Studies and Keynotes
We consistently work on ongoing medical and clinical studies, to verify the effectiveness and functionality of our HILOTHERAPY® applications. Our most recent studies can be accessed here.
We consistently work on ongoing medical and clinical studies, to verify the effectiveness and functionality of our HILOTHERAPY® applications. Our most recent studies can be accessed here.
Please register at
0172 – 867 64 63
MAXHAUS – Katholisches Stadthaus Schulstraße 11, 40213 Düsseldorf
with Dr. Trudi Schaper, Luisenkrankenhaus Düsseldorf and chairman ISI e.V.
Link to stream:
digital keynote
Discussion with interview about HILOTHERAPY®
Exhibition by HILOTHERM
Exhibition by HILOTHERM
Keynote: Managing alopecia and CIPN under oncological treatments – chances and limits
online seminar
Keynote: Cooling does the trick – preventing hair loss and polyneuropathy as a side effect of chemotherapy
by Dr. Trudi Schaper
Keynote: HILOTHERAPY® – for the prevention of swelling, haematoma, inflammation and pain
by Olcay Oglu
The cooling does the trick:Preventing polyneuropathy (CIPN) and hair loss while chemotherapy treatment
with Dr. rer. nat.Trudi Schaper, chairman ISI e.V
Stuttgart or online – more information coming
virtual Keynote with Dr. rer. nat. Trudi Schaper, chairman ISI e.V
online seminar
virtual keynote